Diana McGrane “wondering”

Diana McGrane is a songwriter based in the Los Angeles area. Daughter of a Golden Gloves Light Heavyweight Boxing champion on her father’s side and a Mexican poet, singer, and guitarist on her mother’s, she felt she had inherited both the love for the wri;en word and the willingness to fight for her dreams. After graduating from college, working as a professional, and becoming a wife and mother, she realized that she had indeed accomplished her dreams in life, except for the one she’d had as a little girl of five years old, when she memorized all the lyrics for Harry Nilsson’s “Without You” and played it a hundred times because the lyrics were so cleverly written, or the little girl that would write a new song every time she visited Zuma beach and sang along the shallow edge of the ocean expecting the waves to sing along with her. It was the dream that had been hiding inside of her the whole time: songwriting.

Soon after recognizing her need to express herself in music, she revisited her old guitar and began strumming the chords that she’d been hearing all along, as she likes to quote, “The songs just came pouring out!”

Now she has released an EP wondering. The four song collection features folk-infused pop rock tracks all about desire, connection, hope, reawakening and more. Diana partnered with classically trained vocalist CJ Wallace, Emmy-winning sound editor Michael Baber, producer Rob Campanella, and Craig Lauinger from MixCave Mastering for the new EP. Beginning with the title track “wondering”Diana takes a reflective mood, enunciated by the sounds of the bass and drums  Then there is the bright and mood-drenched love song “the waiting game” . The electric guitar helps create a retro upbeat sound. The highlight of the EP is “wholesome”, an emotional tribute to the discovery of love and relationships. “the morning after” concludes the listen with dreamy lush acoustic guitars, and warmly rich basslines. 

In the end, Diana McGrane hopes her music inspires others to be a better version of themselves. She shares, “Recognizing the good qualities of a person really helps reshift your focus in life. The inspiration from another human being presents a marvelous opportunity to grow. I wrote the music as an ode to love as I went through these experiences.” 


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