Wayne Warner

Wayne Warner

Wayne Warner

Wayne Warner

The latest single from Wayne Warner, “God For A Minute”, departs from his usual upbeat rocking country releases.  In imagining using the powers of God to care for the one you love, Warner mines unique and interesting lyrical territory.  With a nod to Johnny Cash, he fully encompasses loneliness, pain and love in his words.  In addition he includes a brief rap that is oddly not out of place.  As a result his solemn love song is intensely emotional.  Rendered by his expressive voice and underscored by slowing building guitar and bass, “God For A Minute” is a great new release from the All In Fun album.  And it is definitely a worthy successor to previous single “Wasted”.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5shQ1hbfAs[/embedyt]

From a musical family in Northern Vermont, Wayne Warner made several trips to Nashville, aligned himself with famed producer Harold Shedd and joined the Atlantic Records roster until heir closing.  His “Turbo Twang” hit was named among the Top 10 country dance songs of 2006.  Now on B-vnturous Records, the intensely private artist has many ascending projects in the works.  Both with his music and with The Melodical Hearts Foundation.  Melodical Hearts Foundation is an organization he founded to use the power of music to make a difference.  An adoptive parent himself, his song/video project for his Melodical Hearts Foundation, “God Bless The Children”, was produced for foster care/adoption awareness. It includes superstars and legends such as Taylor Swift, Jimmy Fortune of The Statler Brothers and Elvis Presley’s Jordanaires.  It became on of the Dave Thomas Foundaions most successful PSA campaigns.




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